Tuesday, July 25, 2006

more sightings in harbor area

dave & i flyered the harbor area & wade ave. we had two people in the harbor area tell us they had seen a dog matching josie's description. one was a woman who said she saw a dog on 6th St. three days ago...looked like josie...was in the company of another dog who was wearing a chain. the dog who looked like josie was not wearing a collar and seemed very shy.

the second sighting was a man dave spoke to at the norfolk & suffolk(sp?) railroad office. he said he saw a dog in the railway yard across the street, also three days ago. he described the dog as white with some tan in her fur, a shepherd/husky mix. she was accompanied by two brown puppies! (as much as i have to admit this is probably not josie, i do love the idea of her having puppy friends :))

Someone posted that Josie has a new home, not in OH. Can anyone confirm if this is true?
don't feed the trolls!!!


seriously, i really, really do appreciate everyone's kind words in defense of the volunteers, thank you. and if this person has some way to prove their assertions i'm glad to listen. but until then i think we can safely assume they are just doing it for the attention, and witholding that attention is the best way to make a troll go away. :)
You people are so stupid, the posting is anonymous because we don't want the attention, we just wanted to stop the worries, because the dog really is happy and healthy and in a new home, She chose her new family, a young boy mainly, and they took her home with them, she was NOT skittish towards the boy in fact she stuck to him like glue, with no leash, collar or anything. she followed him into their family vehicle for the long ride back to their home state. I Chat with the boys mother regularly and the dog has a new name she loves and is being treated by a vet. The sutures are fine, she had some sores on her ears that are healing fine, the only problem is that she tested a faint possitive for heartworm and will have to take a pill each month for the rest of her life. Luckily her new family don't mind the extra expense, they say she is more than worth it. I only posted because I know how I'd feel if any of my animals (and I have many) were to go missing. I think your only upset because your screwed out of your outrageously high adoption fees. I will not give names so you people can harrass this dogs loving new family.
Then you won't get the reward money. Also, never heard of treating heartworm for dog's life.
The vet gives meds, and worms die.
If worms still present after 6 mos, injections are given.
Which city did this family find this "Josie Lookalike?"
I'm assuming this dog looks like Josie, but is NOT Josie.
By the way, they can go back to Josie's vet, to see if she was tested for heartworms BEFORE getting lost.
Lets find Josie!
Wow....I am amazed that someone would even anonymously leave news that Josie has been found and not allow everyone that is searching the opportunity to be "sure" that it is Josie and she is safe!!! What has this world come to?
Lets end this right now. Please then just tell us this: What date did they pick her up. Please let me know that, and please refrain from name calling.
There is no need for that.
Also, if you would like to email me and talk like adults about this, I'd be happy to listen. I'm from where Josie originated from and I can tell you that if she was in a good home, I personally would gladly reimburse the shelter myself for the fee's they are out for her, which isn't a high adoption fee by any means. You cannot put a value on the worth of us knowing or seeing Josie alive and well. Having many animals of your own, I would think that if you were missing one of your dogs, you'd understand how I must be feeling. No?
You can feel free to email me at: aco4dogs@yahoo.com if you'd like to talk this over decently. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,
Josie has found a safe and happy home. And while I am at it goes ahead and feeds the troll....lol.....
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